Woodcreek Women's Lacrosse
Welcome to Woodcreek Women's Lacrosse
Women's Lacrosse 2025 Season Info
Team Evaluations Week of February 3, 2025. Exact dates TBD.
You must have your Athletic Clearance completed with the school prior to any physical participation including conditioning and evaluations/tryouts with lacrosse.
Click here or go to the WCHS website for information and how to obtain your clearance.
JV - as of right now we don't plan to cut.
Varsity - since this is a varsity level sport, there will be cuts at the varsity level.
Seniors - Please note, due to CIF rules you cannot play on the JV team so you can only be evaluated/tryout for varsity. You will be trying out and evaluated against varsity level players.
Questions? Email Coach Mike at mstrong@rjuhsd.us with questions.
New player interested in lacrosse?
Please fill out our new player form here to be added to our database!
Coaching Staff
Varsity Head Coach - Mike Strong - mstrong@rjuhsd.us
Varsity Assistant Coach - Raphael Klug - raphklug@yahoo.com
JV Head Coach - Caleb Jacobs - cjacobs@rjuhsd.com
JV Assistant Coach - TBD
Team Parents
Girls Team Parent - Karen Strong, karen@strongpr.com
We are always in need of parent volunteers and are actively looking for additional help!
Program Representatives
President : Karen Strong
Treasurer: Stephanie Peck
We are always in need of parent volunteers and are actively looking for additional help!
As team schedules become available they will be posted using the following:
Girls Varsity is using Team Max Preps
New player interested in lacrosse?
Please fill out our new player form here to be added to our database!
Follow us!
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